Pilot Project 2023/24 Update
The Pilot Project 2023/24 seeks to build a local mātauranga informed collaboration for native habitat restoration across Whangārei Heads, and is being led out by Weed Action Native Habitat Restoration Trust with funding support from Foundation North.
Aki Tai Here is providing the operational delivery and project management in this pilot, which includes workplans for habitat restoration, developed through hui with willing whānau, kaumātua, hapū and iwi of the Whangārei Heads area.
At the conclusion of this pilot project, an agreed to framework for conducting habitat restoration work across the Whangārei Heads will be on offer, based on the many lessons learnt over the Pilot Project.
Whānau - Kaumātua - Hapū - Iwi engagement
Aki Tai Here has been leading out engagement hui with whānau, kaumātua, hapū and iwi of the Whangārei Heads area over the last 6 months to inform the Pilot Project. This is over 8+ hapū groups which have interests in the Whangārei Heads area and many (many) Whenua Māori and whānau groups also. While close to 20 hui have been held already, there are some still to go with the many pressures on our hapū to respond to the many requests for engagement, we remain willing to hui tahi with the willing. If you would like to go over the Pilot Project with us, or prefer a Weed Action kaimahi to meet with you, please let us know pilot@akitaihere.org
Upcoming Mahi
Trialing the development of workplans which are informed (or completely designed) by those with ancestral connection to the lands has begun in a few locations. This careful work, requiring care and diligence with the outcomes of the hui held, is now underway at the locations outlined below. Some sites are still in consultation also - we invite contact from hapū members wishing to be involved in the delivery or supervision of this work - thanks to this Foundation North funded opportunity.
This opportunity to trial collaborative delivery will be exhausted in the coming months, and outcomes will be presented back to the contributors to this project to inform next actions. E nga rangatira mā, nau mai tautoko mai.